Holy Week Activities


April 1  |  10:00am

Easter Egg-stravaganza Egg Hunt

St. Luke’s Activity Lot at the corner of Knowles & North St.

Join us for an Easter Egg-stravaganza!
We will have Crafts, prizes, photos with the Easter Bunny, food, & an egg hunt.
Make plans to join us for ALL THE FUN!

April 2  |  8:30am & 10:30am

Palm Sunday Worship

Join us as we celebrate Jesus’ triumphant arrival and the beginning of His journey to the cross.


April 6  |  7:00pm

Maundy Thursday Worship

“In the Final Week”

presented by the St. Luke’s Chancel Choir & Chamber Orchestra

St. Luke’s Sanctuary

Join us for a Maundy Thursday worship experience.


Maundy Thursday recalls the day that Jesus led his disciples in the Last Supper. Our response to Christ’s love will be the center of our service as we celebrate communion. The moving cantata, In the Final Week, by John Purifoy, presented by the Chancel Choir and chamber orchestra, will help prepare our hearts as we journey toward Easter’s resurrection celebration.


April 7  |  10:30am-12:30pm

Good Friday

Journey to the Cross Experience

St. Luke’s Family Center

Come experience a self-guided journey through Jesus’ last days. As we prepare for the joy of the resurrection, we must make time to experience the weight of Jesus’ last steps as he made his way to the cross.




Easter Sunday Schedule  |  April 9


Community Easter Service

Kilgore City Park

Breakfast provided by Kilgore Whataburger



Breakfast & Easter Egg Hunt

St. Luke’s Family Center



Butterfly Release

St. Luke’s Sanctuary Courtyard



Traditional Easter Celebration

St. Luke’s Sanctuary



Come & Go Communion

St. Luke’s Knowles Chapel