St. Luke's Kids
Living His Word
Safety, Biblical Teaching, and Creative Learning
Our mission is to partner with parents to train up the next generation of fully devoted followers of Christ. We dance, sing, and create as we learn all about God.
Sunday Mornings
Request for Nursery Care HERE!
9:30am – Children’s Courtyard
Our goal is to engage children’s faith so they can make wiser choices, build stronger relationships, and develop a deeper faith.
Children’s Classes:
Three’s & Fours
Kinder-2nd Grade
3rd-5th Grade

Wednesdays (September-May)
Pick-up & Drop-off in the Ballard Activity Center
The St. Luke’s Children and Junior Choirs are the first part of Wonderful Wednesdays – a fantastic after school program for kids age 4 (by September 1) through grade 5. This is a program extended to all children regardless of church membership.
In the choirs, the children will have lots of fun while they learn biblical lessons, singing skills, Orff instruments, social skills, and leadership skills. They will learn to be an active part in their spiritual, physical, and mental growth.
The three choirs:
Cherub Choir (age 4 – Kindergarten)
Angel Tones (grades 1-3)
Hope (grades 4-5)
allow the children to be in groups close to their general development level. They sing for several services during the school year as well as present two musical programs and concerts at St. Luke’s and in the Kilgore community.
The choirs are directed by James Vermillion. He has worked with children and youth for over 16 years in both churches and public schools. He has also been the musical director for musicals with the Longview Community Theatre, directed a community production of Handel’s Messiah with orchestra, and been a director in Music Machine sacred music camps for several years in both Kilgore and Tyler.
Register for the Children’s Choir!
Contact James Vermillion at
Online payment includes an additional $1 service fee
Wednesdays (September -May)
6:00pm-7:00pm (Activities)
Pick-up & Drop-off in the Children’s Courtyard
Join us for an evening
Registration will open on August 1, 2021
Contact Lindsey Exline for more information
1st Friday of the month
Ballard Activity Center
Parents enjoy a night out & kids have a night of fun!
Movie, Pizza, Games, Crafts, & FUN
Register Now

Summer Activities
Preteen Mission Camp
July 16-18, 2025
SUMMERSLAM! is a chance for students in 3rd-5th grade to experience an age-appropriate youth mission
where they can serve Jesus by helping others. Adult-led, student work teams engage in a variety of community service and light construction projects in the Gregg County area. When not at work, students enjoy free time, recreation, and great worship. St. Luke’s Methodist, Kilgore, is the mission living center where students stay during the 2-night mission. Fee includes all meals, snacks, a mission shirt.
$40 registration fee
June 30-July 4
Completed 2nd-12th grade
Cost $425
Rise Up is the summer camp ministry of the Trinity Conference GMC and exists to share Christ with the next generation, deepen their relationship with Him, and help them hear His calling for their lives.
Expect Spirit-filled worship, Christ-centered teaching, deepening friendships, and loads of fun activities in the beautiful setting of Lakeview Methodist Conference Center outside Palestine, Texas!
Register at
June23-27, 2025
VBS is an annual summer event. This week of music, crafts, storytelling, and games creates a lifelong love of God and builds relationships with other kids and adults seeking Him.